This is an invitation to uplevel your experience with money and learn a system designed to work WITH your beautiful busy brain

Budgeting for Busy Brains Masterclass

Do you feel the same way?

You have high expectations for your vision for your life, which includes creating stability and greater wealth with your money, but you feel like you just “can't get it together.”  

Sound familiar?  

First of all, no one has it all together, so no need to judge yourself.  But budgeting requires structure which can be REALLY tough for those of us with busy brains, impulsive behaviors, PDA, trouble with executive function, and the list goes on.  

Let me tell you right now, it's not that you'll never be able to get a handle on your money.  You just need a system that works well with YOUR brain, not a neurotypical brain. 

You need steps. 

You need room for pleasure and impulsivity.  

You need certain accommodations.  

Well, my friend, that is exactly what I've set out to help you with by creating this masterclass.  

See, I too needed this very much!  It changed my life.  And I found that so many others (even neurotypical folks) have benefitted from it as well.  

I was fortunate to have more than 16 years of experience in banking and finance to help me figure this out, so I am so excited to bring all my expertise gained through professional and personal experience to YOU, and help set you on a path that feels stable, regulating, pleasurable and sustainable.

Are you ready?  LET'S GOOOO!!!

This Masterclass is different.  I promise!  

Here's what it COvers:


Budgeting in a way that works WITH your ND brain


Simplicity, sustainability and automation to reduce nervous system overwhelm


Hacking your PDA


Step by step instructions for how to start, making task initiation easier


Setting up a system that removes the need for high executive function


How to create consistency with an inconsistent income

Just $444 for a system that can truly be lifechanging! 

Mandy      Cengiz

Throughout my 16+ year career in banking and finance, as well as my personal ventures in helping people with their physical, mental and spiritual health as a coach, I've learned a lot.  I mean, you stand to learn a lot when you have more than 32K hours of active experience with something!!  This is why I know I can be trusted as an expert, and here's a tidbit of wisdom this expert has for you:  

When looking to transform your life, we know that the deep work is so so very important, but one thing that has stood out to me throughout all my experience is that we often forget that we do the deep work SO THAT we can finally move forward. 

 Moving forward means taking action.  

The deep work isn't all the work.  It's the first step toward changing things.  It's the information.  But information is useless if we do not utilize it, take action, and really drive the change we desire to see.  

That's why I'm doing this work.  I want to help you take action in your life.  And truly, action IS deep work!!  It's when you put it all into practice.  

Furthermore, money is not JUST money.  It's something that touches everything in our lives. 

 Our survival, our relationships, our opportunities for joy.  

If things don't feel right with our money, everything else feels harder.  

The stress of money hardship breaks relationships, exacerbates mental health struggles, impacts our overall health, and keeps us from experiencing the life we want to live.  

What I have found in my personal life is that once I got right with my money, every other area of my life transformed.  

This is why money is the avenue through which I choose to help others thrive in their lives.  Are you ready to thrive with me?

That feeling of being drawn to this moment—
that’s called intuition.
You deserve to follow it.